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The facts that concern me are extremely significant for the world of science:

The scientist is the one who observes a phenomenon and tries to understand why it happens. In the study of any phenomenon, the scientist uses a scientific attitude: that is, he looks for complete and demonstrable answers to the questions he poses.
The study of the phenomena is carried out by scientists who apply the experimental scientific method, a method introduced by Galileo Galilei, an Italian scientist who lived between the second half of 1500 and the first half of 1600.
This method consists of:

  • careful observation of a phenomenon, asking what are its causes, collecting all the information and data that may be useful;
  • formulation of a hypothesis, that is, of a possible answer to the questions formulated;
  • doing experiments to ascertain whether the hypothesis formulated is correct or not;
  • draw conclusions from the experiments carried out. In other words, if the hypothesis is correct, the scientist formulates a law that can explain the phenomenon examined. If, on the other hand, the hypothesis is not correct, he will have to revise it, possibly formulating a new hypothesis.

Let's look at the facts that concern me in the light of Galileo's scientific concepts.

Experimental data

  • Highly factual:
    • Since 1999 I know personally (I have a copy of the emails we exchanged) David B. Weiner of the University of Pennsylvania - United States, an acquaintance started with the cancer problems of a very good friend's grandmother: David was the World's best researcher on cancer issues, was on the cover of “Le Scienze” number 374 of 1999 that said that there is the cure for each type of cancer.
    • 2019: David B. Weiner of the University of Pennsylvania - United States, has never studied cancer in his life, he has always dealt with genetic vaccines: https://archive.org/details/lescienze-374/page/n9
    • Even if it is not my field, I know at the highest academic level possible (since I read David Weiner's studies in 1999) possible common background of each case of cancer (the contemporary mutation of 3 genes, motility, immortality and resistance to apoptosis), possible field of action (restoring a non-mutated P53 gene), possible practical methods for cancer recovery (modifying a retro virus to convert it into healthy P53 gene vector): Cacer Treatment
    • My skull creaks with very loud metallic noises, particularly in relation to no-tissues, which are the empty interstices of my mouth.
  • Medium factual:
    • I am a computer professional who in 2000 earned around €400.00 per day, with infinite expertise and performance that were making my employers dozens of times more than my fee. If you hire such a professional, you don’t harass him because he is too good, but in 2006 I was forced to resign from the company where I was hired and I engaged with a colleague because they strongly harassing me – with several tricks to get me out of the previous company that competed with them and where I was the boss. It was a company full of incompetent, relatives of very important political and financial people: my ex was the granddaughter of a president of a large financial institution.
    • My ex-girlfriend in 2007, after my extremely controversial resignation, appeared in a porn video for sale in all newsstands – at least in the Italian ones - that I bought because the title tipped me off: “Hot wives and happy husbands, a scandal between “[the name of my city]” and “[that of her]”. At the same time my brother – a mediocre person and a complete stranger – appeared without warning me at the main Italian state and private television stations as a secondary actor in a commercial for a major satellite network– I found it by chance because I almost do not watch television – (but given the improbability of the two events, I suppose they were related and that my brother was indirectly advertising the video of my ex-girlfriend).
    • Between 2008 and 2009 my city was constantly covered by chemtrails (thousands every day and I have photos) created by strange objects that flew at low altitude, traces dissolved in a large cloudiness, absent before the chemtrails and with climatic episodes.
    • In 2008 I escaped from my city but I missed my flight, from Pisa to Barcelona, because the toes of my feet were bleeding. I went to the emergency room of the airport and the next day the telephones of the whole district did not work and while I was in the Ipercoop of Pisa, the whole province was covered by a big black cloud; I had to be driven back to the airport, where I would take a new plane at night, by security guards.
    • In 2009 the influential leader of the Olivetan Christian and Catholic community sent me to the exorcist – after I had attended the Holy Mass without having had any kind of strange behavior – (evidently because he saw strange symptoms in me, perceived by channels not typical of matter physics).
    • Since 2009 I started going to Florence night and day and I was thinking of moving there. 4 people (not better identifiable) told me they heard the voice of God coming from me:
      • a young man I met at the bar “La spiaggia sull’Arno” (of whom I do not know the generalities) told me he heard the thunder Yahweh while I pumped blood to my brain with a choking maneuver.
      • an acquaintance of my city (of whom I do not know the generalities), also in Florence, in Piazza Santo Spirito, where I used to go often, told me: “do you play God?”
      • 2 people known in Piazza Santo Spirito who gave me their names, surnames and phone numbers and signed a sheet of paper indicating that the voice of God came from me. The sheet, kept in a notebook in my parents' house, has disappeared!
    • While I worked in the office of the president's big bank that my ex-girlfriend is a niece, hired by the world-renowned IBM company to develop Java J2EE applications, several colleagues suddenly asked me further information about my personal data (obviously because intrigued by the strange manifestations that took place shortly before in channels not typical of matter physics: in the offices the voice of God thundered).
  • Factual:
    • 2001 - I made an astral projection and saw the map of the whole universe, flying in it in a few seconds.
    • 2007 - I heard whistles in my ears and the mental voice “on the Italian channels RAI or Canale 5” every time my brother appeared on television, but I discovered what it meant only afterwards.
    • 2007 - the soul of Saint Paul (the apostle) got into me and my eyes began to move on their own against my will and I mentally pronounced several speeches with an unknown voice: it was Saint Paul who spoke to me and told me several things (his generality and much more), the funniest one was: “go and drink a beer, I want to taste it through your mouth after 2,000 years that I do not drink”.
    • 2007 - after several contacts like that of Saint Paul with many other Saints of Paradise, they asked me to leave my city, full of evil entities, because the Paradise that surrounded me wanted to carry out purification procedures on me that would make me feel better… I arrived almost at Genoa and stopped for a moment on a road. In that moment, the Saints asked me to get out of the car and I remained quiet for about a minute and a half (without moving eyes or lungs); without further explanation and without my knowledge they cut me into 100,000 slices and inserted metal plates called TABLES in my body; finally, the Universe moved inside me by making me the Universe itself and immortal. During the procedure I saw thousands of geometric lines that came out of me. This procedure would allow God to come to Earth a few months later and settle in me. Absolutely annoyed and dazed, I had to passively accept this new situation in which they put me under false pretences.
    • 2008 - I escaped from my city to Pisa and Barcelona because I often felt my mouth on my forehead (especially after the arrival of chemtrails); after a while I fainted and felt myself 50 cm higher, in another reality. I lost the plane and my bleeding fingers matched with my perceptions, because I felt invisible blades cut me in all directions and often made me faint when I was about to get on the plane.
    • 2008 - night in Pisa, after losing the plane, at the hotel. I cried out in pain with such a loud voice and with the windows open while I was trapped in bed by an invisible force; shouts were heard in all the central streets of the city that said "call an ambulance". I felt that my bones were melting and in the air there were biblical rumors that told me that they would bringing me back to my city, dead, and they were killing me with 250,000° fission uranium bars inserted in my heels. I saw two semi-transparent gods of ancient Egypt in my room: Isis and her Cobra. I died after a few minutes with incredible agony. The next morning I regained consciousness, as if awakened by general anesthesia, and God spoke to me and I heard him thunder in the ether, as is said Moses heard God on Mount Sinai: he explained me many facts and I contributed with devices made only of energy that I made up to keep reality stable. Then I left the hotel room and got into a Renault taxi with the driver shaved, but when I closed the door it had become a Ford with a driver with long hair. In the Ipercoop I saw hundreds of people vanish into the air and at the airport I found new statues that were not there the day before.
    • 2009 – I escaped to Florence because I heard screams outside the window of my office saying they wanted to kill me again. While I was going, I heard hundreds of mental voices (even at the same time) that celebrated Florence as capital and invited me to the party they were doing in the Uffizi Gallery. When I arrived, in the middle of the night (it was 2 in the morning), there was no one there and I’ve been stuck against a column of the great corridor by an invisible force, and on the opposite side of the corridor appeared – not translucent but in the flesh – the ancient Egyptian God Anubis, 4 meters tall, hooded and with a gold plate shining in his hand that told me to stare at him. Meanwhile, the bones of my whole body, which crunched with force, moved like Lego bricks to rebuild my physical entity at 8 meters away. During this translation from the column against which I was stuck to the other in another reality, in the ether dozens of vortices that looked like glass appeared and they told me that they were dimensional cameras. After about 3 hours of bone agony, my eyes, fixed on Anubis' plate, showed me a new reality, like when you focus on images made of points that soon form a 3D image. I was in a new dimension.
    • 2009-2011 - walking through the streets of downtown Florence, the voice of God came out of my head and thundered for miles. Everything I thought became a biblical voice and since Florence is a global tourist destination, millions of people around the world have listened to me: many have had negative reactions or beat me up or threatened me subtly. As I said before, I received only 4 comments and several shy new friends who tried to entertain me while I agreed to be taken to several VIP parties in isolated villas in the Florentine countryside where, at the end of speeches with biblical voices and injections of mental images, I received several applauses.
We formulate a hypothesis
  • Questions
    • What has ancient Egypt to do with modern religious phenomena?
    • Are the paranormal phenomena that happened to me verifiable?
    • Can the interaction of political and economic lobbies be demonstrated in relation to paranormal events of a global and transcendental nature that have happened to me?
    • If there has been political interaction in paranormal events– occurred before these events happened and before I could understand anything– does it mean that there is a hidden knowledge (hidden from the masses) at the world level of maximum scientific, economic and politician power?
    • How is it possible for a taxi to change from a Renault to a Ford and for people to disappear in the air in less than a second?
    • How is it possible for the bones of whole body to make a thunderous noise, as is still the case of my skull?
    • If all the questions can be answered and all the answers are affirmative, can modern science tolerate - if not accept - a benign, democratic, maybe a little absent, God, but who is willing to collaborate with science and mankind? Can a divine collaboration be useful for science since it was God who created it and knows more than what has been achieved so far by hundreds of generations of scientists who still do not have clues and use barbaric techniques of reverse engineering?

  • The hypothesis
    • What has ancient Egypt to do with modern religious phenomena?

      Surely the presence of divinities such as Isis and her Cobra can only draw attention to a careful analysis of the ancient Egyptian religious myth. I have empirical information (I was in close contact with the whole paradise) and I found all this in the most influential studies about the ancient Egyptian religion. I have deduced that the Universe has a clear and distinct origin, it was created by the Egyptian God Ra (also known as Athom -Ra or the Architect) within himself at the beginning of time. The energy for it to work is delta T, where T is time: larger the delta (more future exists) and more energy there is. There are no explanations of how Ra originated from the cosmic void, He does not know how to give one and there are no historical documents that describe what was before Him, except a few mentions to NUN. It is possible to formulate the hypothesis that at some point, a spark appeared in the void to express the common desire of all living beings to exist forever; however, the fact is that God is energy that shakes the void: the foundation of everything! If the spiritual energy of the desire to exist ceases – which is more like a dream than the matter – the void contracts and everything disappears as matter disappears.

      This scientific thesis of the origins of the Universe, supported by the culture of whole ancient civilizations and by experimental data, seems to me decidedly more captivating than the extravagant hypothesis (without any experimental data in its favor) of the origins from a Big Bang that does not explain anything: where does the matter or energy necessary to cause the mythical initial explosion come from? Who put them there? To make matters worse, this fairytale of the Big Bang is passing off as scientific truth in all school environments and in all media! Very often accompanied by the other fairy tale of evolutionism according to which we evolve from bacteria formed by chance in the “primordial soup”.

    • Are the paranormal phenomena that happened to me verifiable?

      The hypothesis is based on 2 factual facts that concern me and that cannot be explained by current scientific knowledge:

      1. Why in 1999 did I get in touch with David B. Weiner of the University of Pennsylvania if he did not deal with cancer, and precisely to treat the cancer of a very good friend's grandmother?
      2. Why do I have enormous and very painful metallic crunches in the skull, concentrated especially in the empty interstices of the mouth? (This may require the development of scientific equipment to detect the nature of the noise and the spatial location of its origin, which refer to areas that are not made of matter [the void of the mouth] and of course cannot be inspected by ultrasound or axial tomography).

      If modern science can explain the continuous metallic noises of the void in my mouth, then the supernatural does not exist. But it cannot do it without mentioning strange theories such as the Big Bang only to continue to hide from the masses its hidden knowledge, for selfish and catastrophic political reasons that reduce delta T of the life of the Universe!

      I would say that even the most ignorant man on Earth (resting his ear on my cheek) can verify the experimental data that prove the existence of supernatural.

    • If there has been political interaction in paranormal events– occurred before these events happened and before I could understand anything– does it mean that there is a hidden knowledge (hidden from the masses) at the world level of maximum scientific, economic and politician power?

      In 2006 I was 33 and had no idea that my life would have to do with paranormal phenomena, I did not have any strange behavior and I did not expect that year I would ended up in the middle of strong constitutional limitations perpetrated by satellite broadcasters, banks, relatives of the leading politicians of the world, the company I worked for until I had to resign when I was about to get married and buy a house. Everything happens without my knowledge and I discovered it only by chance and days after the various persecutions began.

      Once again, the hypothesis is that the origins of the Universe are well known at least for: satellite broadcasters, banks, relatives of the leading politicians of the world, the company I worked for. So the hypothesis is based on the fact that these entities have created the atheist explanation of Big Bang to alter public opinion about basic religious arguments in order to create widespread atheism and indifference to transcendental events such as those that happened to me after.

      In fact, satellite broadcasters, banks, relatives of the leading politicians of the world, the company I worked for, had only a possible motive for their criminal behavior towards me in 2006: that they knew – long before me – that soon God would arrive on Earth to try to make this incredible event a farce for the world. Obviously, they knew that God would go to someone in particular and they understood, without telling me anything, given my curriculum and knowing my biography, that I was God's favorite.

    • Can the interaction of political and economic lobbies be demonstrated in relation to paranormal events of a global and transcendental nature that have happened to me?

      I say that these people persecuted me, but if you ask them, they will say that I invented everything. Let's prove it, perhaps with criminal relevance:

      • Initially I worked as a freelancer in that company and I was hold in very high regard because I handled relationships with clients, design software to launch, manage software development teams, handled relationships with software users to handle any anomaly that may sometimes occur. I was in one of the highest positions, with dozens of projects in perfect operation launched in time for important customers nationwide. At that time the company in question had about 20,000 employees. Given the results obtained in the field and very pressured by my ex-girlfriend and former colleague, who wanted to quickly buy a house, I asked to my chief, with whom I had excellent and direct relationships, to hiring me open-ended since I needed a regular salary to ask for mortgage.
      • I had the opportunity to do the interview and we discussed for hours about the fact that I wanted a good salary and a prominent position in the organizational structure.
      • Of course, he offered me a position as a low-level technician with a laughable salary that did not even minimally reflect the interests of the company.
      • I commented it with my ex who told me to accept the offer and that I would made my career, with time. She told me so pressing on my feelings for her and I decided to accept.
      • The day after the assumption began the wild harassment.
        • They pulling me off from all the projects I had followed until then.
        • My job was to do nothing all day until 5 minutes before I had to leave at the end of the workday, when they asked me to do very long and tedious jobs urgently.
        • All the relatives of the politicians in the offices started to tease me, they threw paper balls at me, they reviewed my video and my colleague of higher rank shouted to me that if I did not stop complaining he would have sent me to Palermo.
      • I held on a few months and then decided to resign, so I gave the letter of resignation to the chief of my office.
      • A 3-month notice was needed to leave the company without incurring in very high financial penalties, a period in which you could not take days of leave or sickness, otherwise you should start over and give another 3-month notice.
      • The letter of resignation was not sent to the personnel office, but kept in the drawer of the chief of my office.
      • During those 3 months I did everything I could to try to prevent anyone from entering my office, especially when the last day arrived and all the former colleagues (headed by my ex-girlfriend) organized a massive strike for trivial reasons pretending to block the doors of the company.
      • That same day I went to Rome, to the headquarters of my company and more specifically to the personnel office where they confirmed that the letter of resignation never arrived and, after hearing my story, they allowed me to resign immediately without penalties.
      • Given the great disappointment of the workforce of this important company (since I managed to resign), a company that employed thousands of people in my city and all with supervisory functions in public institutions, the persecution with porno video and my brother on television began.
      • This is only a small part of everything that happened to me…

    • About the question: if there has been political interaction in paranormal events– occurred before these events happened and before I could understand anything– does it mean that there is a hidden knowledge (hidden from the masses) at the world level of maximum scientific, economic and politician power?

      The additional hypothesis that emerges from these experimental data is that astral ages are something tangible and being an ex-boyfriend of an astrology expert girl, I noticed that the personality profiles delineated by the so-called “natal chart” of the people of a certain zodiac sign instead of another are definitely relevant, so astrology has some traits of exact science. In addition, reading ancient sacred texts it is clear that every time something new begins in the history of humanity something very important happens. These periods change every 2000 years and now the astral age of the Aquarium has just begun, which is precisely my zodiacal sign! Therefore, considering that at the beginning of the previous period (0000 AD) Jesus appeared in the history of the world, I can formulate the hypothesis, supported by the synchronization with political persecutions received in 2006, that every 2000 years, at the beginning of each Age, God comes down to earth. In my opinion, this is the knowledge hidden from the masses with the utmost rigor!

    • How is it possible for a taxi to change from a Renault to a Ford and for people to disappear in the air in less than a second?

      An experimental data of little factual origin and, therefore, that it will be necessary to verify, is that I am immortal and the Universe in person. This information received a priori from quite reliable entities, that is to say, all the Paradise that speaks to me, not derived from practical experience or logical deduction, is nevertheless reflected in objective facts: that is to say that if I die crazy devastations would happen. I cannot present my death certificate as proof or that of the hundreds of people I have seen disappear in the void. As tangible proof, I can only take the fact that the day I lost the plane and the next one there were very strong electromagnetic storms throughout the province of Pisa with interruptions in telephone service. I can also add to my favor the fact that I signed a sanitary registry at the airport after receiving medical treatment because of my toes and that day in Pisa was something very hurtful. Being the center of the Universe and seeing it disintegrate due to reality storms, space-time storms and generalized disappearances are not things that can be filmed or photographed or leave any mark on any official document. You can only take my word for it or, as you will read in the next chapter, do some pretty reliable experiments.

    • How is it possible for a taxi to change from a Renault to a Ford and for people to disappear in the air in less than a second?

      How is it possible for the bones of whole body to make a thunderous noise, as is still the case of my skull?

      If my word is not relevant, then I can tell you to check the account statement of my American Express, where you can see that in 2009, the next day my second death and having changed dimension, there are about 192 transactions made in the Florence’s downtown bars, bars where I drank the Long Island cocktail, very strong, and this is proof, in practice, that something shocking happened the night before and that I am definitely immortal because a human being cannot survive to 192 very strong cocktails in a day.

      As you can see, I respond at the same time to two questions that seem disconnected, but in reality they are not at all. The crunches are connected because I have been cut into slices (100,000) and I am full of invisible tables. They are invisible because they are also present in the center of the mouth from which thunderous and continuous metallic noises originate; they are made of a metal not detectable by instruments linked to matter physics (such as axial tomography, ultrasound or simply sight), but whose evidence is obvious to any observer, taking into account the typical metallic noise. For me that “wear” them is evident because the noise I hear is very loud (almost deafening) and very clear, in addition to the fact that the tables hurt me and that my tongue gets stuck in the center of the mouth, in the fractures that continually open and twist my face before they are recomposed with clicks or squeaks.

      The presence of these strange tables that allow me to be transferred from one dimension to another is certainly verifiable, except for the fact that they are synchronized with the future of the human race and of the entire Universe, but I can demonstrate it with the experiments I suggest in the next chapter. The problems related to my life affect the space-time and generate alterations of the matter, like the disappearance of a person – even from any registry and from the memory of his acquaintances.

      I would also like to introduce, with empirical experience and absolutely proven by public knowledge in my space-time line (studies about common reasons for the appearance of cancer and the fields of action to treat it with simplicity) but that in the space-timeline in the that we are there aren’t and that nobody knows. How can this incredible space-time anomaly exist? The answer is the multiverse (often called parallel dimension) theorized by Hugh Everett in 1957 (wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Multiverse) This theory is quite valid because it shows that I was the victim of a very painful experience that the next day allowed me to use approximately 192 times the credit card in bars in Florence and explains why I have knowledge about cancer issues in the highest academic levels of the world without this being my field of study or work, while nobody else in the world has the same. This dimension in which I am in now is largely synchronized with the bright future of humanity that I speak of in my book (at least 3 million years, but God is happy only if we speak of infinite parallels and, therefore, the contributions are welcome to give more future than what I did).

    • If all the questions can be answered and all the answers are affirmative, can modern science tolerate - if not accept - a benign, democratic, maybe a little absent, God, but who is willing to collaborate with science and mankind? Can a divine collaboration be useful for science since it was God who created it and knows more than what has been achieved so far by hundreds of generations of scientists who still do not have clues and use barbaric techniques of reverse engineering?

      God is there, is available to be evaluated by the best scientists on Earth and in some way (directly or through me) to collaborate with Science… Even if His best collaboration is to have given us an amazing intelligence that the best computer will not be able to match even in 1000 years. Now I will tell you about the intelligence of which I speak.

      The scientific revolution of 1900 has stopped! Today the world, through the considerable scientific progress made since 1500/1600 with the humanism that led outside the Middle Ages and the rediscovery of Hellenic philosophical thought, is returning to the Middle Ages because of an endemic deficiency of philosophy.

      Almost all the academic world and in particular medicine (which puts the rules to the world with political and social interferences), rests on that sterile “empirical” philosophical current
      (wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Empiricism)
      And I understand it, I am also using it to describe universe from the anthropomorphic form that is God; now that He is on Earth it is very easy to do science after observing directly and with sensory and rational experiences facts of academic interest.

      The scientific revolutions that determine a considerable progress of human knowledge, with practical consequences without purpose continuity, are possible only with Kantian scientific methods that seriously question a science based on the visible and constructed on laws that we take for granted based on our rationality, which is formed by the experience of our human perceptions, that is, the result of empirical observation. In fact, the empirical method gets strongly into crisis with ontological concepts (wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ontology), with quantum mechanics and with experimental entities of universal masses such as space and time.

      I am ambidextrous, but only timidly right-handed, I was born extremely lefty! I had the opportunity to spend long and distinct periods of life with the alternating dominant lobe: a very long period, currently active, with the dominant right lobe (a practical aspect for lefties) and a reasonable period – new for me – of approximately 10 years in adulthood (after 30) with the left dominant lobe (so I was right-handed as the average of Western civilization). I observed how in the right-handed period I could not synthesize my life experiences, understand philosophy, have impulses of projects of any kind and that on the contrary I was good at sports, observation, mimicry and could remember photographically – and not for summary – each of my experiences. In practice, a computer can be defined as a very clever right-hander: it knows how to store memories, does not know how to plan, does not understand concepts, does not know how to synthesize, but reads and understands voice commands.

      To entangle modern science and human progress by guiding them by right-hander is the sure reason for their immobility and possible decadence (although God who sees the future has spoken to me and assured me that this decline is not only possible but is just around from the corner of the future of mankind). Always according to my experiences (I have been smoking about 100 cigarettes per day for 35 years) I can safely say that for academic students who want to understand Kantian scientific concepts and for the researchers who want to apply them, it is absolutely important to give ample space to smokers and drinkers in clear dispute with the empirical observations of medicine, which is trying to prohibit them everywhere. On that depends human progress! And it is clear that with progress it is possible to develop any kind of remedy for possible collateral health problems that can occur using substances that amplify intelligence and abstraction or make life happier and fuller!

The experiment as a test of scientific hypothesis

The experiment is very simple. Develop an antineoplastic drug following my instructions. If the drug works and a non-graduate computer scientist who smokes hundreds of cigarettes a day can cure cancer around the world, I would say that the scientific hypothesis is quite good.

Otherwise, if the first experiment does not work, God has guaranteed that He is ready to come and provide scientific evidence to any academic who wants to take me seriously.


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 antoine@followingdavincicode.com The Book Antoine, Beyond the Da Vinci Code, the true meeting with God!